Thursday, December 26, 2013

Time to draw ALL THE THINGS!

Studying time! Ok folks--this is a place where you can post art for critical feedback. This is where collaborations can form. This is a place to suggest study topics that everyone can participate in. In short, this is a place to get your learning on! The rules are simple:

1. Everyone is expected to give constructive criticism. A lot can be learned from critically analyzing someone else's work. That's why members are expected to comment regularly on other people's posts.
2. We can make up more rules as we need to...

Feedback! We can keep this freeform, or we can develop a schedule. Freeform would be people posting whenever, and likewise giving feedback whenever. *OR* we can make a schedule. As an example, everyone posts 1-2 pieces on Saturday, and then everyone returns on Sunday to give critical feedback to all other posters. I'm partial to the latter, so that we can make sure everyone gets the feedback they need, and without anyone being left out.

What do peeps think? Yay! So excited!

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